The Middle Years Program


Grades 4 to 9

Often thought of as the years of great growth and challenge as students strive to understand their increasing voice and independence.

For students in Grades 5-9, the MYP provides a truly exceptional experience. Our students are guided by teachers who love teaching this age range, who possess the resilence, brillant organizational skills, boundless energy and a great sense of humour necessary to work with young people.

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Deep Engagement

We minimize the ‘sit and listen’ lecture. Why? Because we want our students to understand what they learn and why they are required to learn it. Things just memorized to pass a test or exam, soon fade. Things truly known and understood remain and can be built on.

Our Learning Schedule is carefully curated by our teachers collaborating to give our students the best experience-guided by the recent knowledge of how we learn that has emerged from research studies in the field of educational & cognitive science.

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MYP At a Glance….

  • We teach BC curriculum enhanced through coaching, challenging and mentoring

  • Student voice and independence are nurtured throughout with a teacher dedicated to each student

  • Development of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and organization skills

  • Pastoral care of students is provided by the homeroom teacher, and academics are taught by members of the MYP teaching team with the necessary qualifications & expertise

  • Emphasis on STEM as a critical ingredient in developing problem solvers and life-long learners

  • Our Math program is based on Singapore Math

  • We adopt the Paideia approach using regular Socratic Seminars

  • Physical & Health Education and the Arts are crucial elements in our holistic approach

  • The voluntary SuperCurriculum Program operates Mon-Fri from 3.30-5.30 PM