The Foundation Years Program
Grades K to 3
Kindergarten is decisive in determining how a child views a school, and how a child views school greatly impacts learning.
Collaboration & Communication
Westside limits its class size to 15-17, employs expert teachers, and welcomes collaboration and communication with parents. These things enable strong personal growth and better learning.
“ Competent speakers and curious learners...”
FYP At a Glance…
Grades 1-3 build on the work of Kindergarten to ensure strong readers, budding mathematicians, competent speakers and curious learners
Teachers enrich the BC curriculum with wider reading and keen observation of the students to enable deeper pursuit of newly engaging material
Grade 4 students also help in Kindergarten and Grade 1 to begin to understand responsibility and leadership
Upon completion of the Foundation Years Program, students will have built a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy, a strong work ethic, some sound research skills, and a growing sense of self, and are ready to meet Socrates in the Middle Years
Kindergarten is Vital
We provide a warm, welcoming environment to ensure both physical and psychological safety necessary for learning. We emphasize the learning in three areas: cognitive, where we encourage curiosity while developing the key foundational skills that lead to literacy and numeracy; affective, where we teach and encourage kindness, co-operation, empathy and respect for all; and psycho-motor, where we develop skills that aid both physical and mental health, such as movement, dance, art, music and drama.
The Research shows:
Kindergarten experiences are vital in developing a child’s self-esteem and confidence
Kindergarten students where the adult to student ratio is 1: 15-17 do better than where it is 1: 22-25
Kindergarten students thrive better when parents and teachers co-operate and communicate well